On 10-Jan-07, at 4:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 9 Jan 2007 at 15:56, Also Sprach Matt Sergeant:

On 9-Jan-07, at 10:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a quick and easy way to find out if the kernel supports aio?

I'm not sure. Probably best to just check kernel versions. 2.4
generally doesn't. 2.6 does. I assume you're talking about Linux here.

My apologies, yes. Unfortunately it's a red hat kernel, so am unsure
as to what the actual kernel version is. uname gives:
The RH release is:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 5)

Is there a little bit of perl code I could run to see if everythings ok?
I vaguely remember something in the code of the Danga stuff or
somewhere that did a little test or could tell if aio was supported...

I've used this in the past to check if I'm using epoll (though that's not the same as whether aio is supported):

my $POLL = "with " . ($Danga::Socket::HaveEpoll ? "epoll()" :
$Danga::Socket::HaveKQueue ? "kqueue()" : "poll ()");

To check if AIO works I've just tried to install IO::AIO - if it fails then it's not available.


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