Hi Guillermo, this is a nice script indeed. How about hosting this somewhere were people can contribute?


On 2020-08-23 15:43, Guillermo Rozas wrote:

Hi Raoul,

are you using BackupPC v4? If yes, you can use a modification of the script I posted here: https://sourceforge.net/p/backuppc/mailman/message/37032497/

In the latest version (4.4.0) you also have the config option $Conf{PoolNightlyDigestCheckPercent}, which checks the md5 digest of this fraction of the pool files each night. You can probably set it to 1 and wait a night for it to run.


On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 5:38 AM Raoul Bhatia <ra...@bhatia.at> wrote:


related to my previous email, it seems that the cause of my issues was a
file system corruption after a "power cut".

I managed to recover (most of?) the data and would now like to do a
thorough check of the data.

Is there any way to "fully verify" the integrity of my backuppc
installation, ideally in a nondestructive way ;-)


PS. My backuppc process is stopped.
DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia MSc
E-Mail. ra...@bhatia.at
Tel. +43 699 10132530

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DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia MSc
E-Mail. ra...@bhatia.at
Tel. +43 699 10132530
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