
> We have one question : what to do if/when the script detects a problem
> on a pooled file ? Can we just delete the file (based on the -maybe
> wrong- assumption it will be copied back on the next run) ?

Good question. Sincerely, I don't know. I've pushed back that question to
the moment I actually find a problem, and I hope that moment never comes ;)

I don't think deleting the file would make any difference, for the same
reason a corrupted file in the pool is not picked-up by BackupPC. Probably
the best would be to "touch" in some way the original file (in the client)
and wait for BackupPC to copy it again. This won't solve the corrupted file
for previous backups, though.

One extra point: given the MD5 checksum (the name of the pool file), it's
not trivial to find the original location and name of the file:

> An example of what we sometimes get :
> Sat 31 Oct 03:47:01 CET 2020
> /mnt/BackupPC/cpool/30
> pigz: warning:
> /mnt/BackupPC/cpool/30/24/3024a19df8965e84a1f5866ccd1927c8: trailing
> junk was ignored
> ZLIB/PIGZ ERROR: 3024a19df8965e84a1f5866ccd1927c8 ->
> 0af97176caed7c0152d8a5be1dd631e3

I should clarify this in the README, thanks for pointing this out. This is
not an actual error, it means that either zlib or pigz uncompressed the
file and the checksum didn't match the expected value (in the example, the
uncompressed version of 3024a19df8965e84a1f5866ccd1927c8 has an MD5
checksum of 0af97176caed7c0152d8a5be1dd631e3).

As explained in the README, the compression algorithm that BackupPC uses is
slightly different to the one used by zlib/pigz. In some rare occasions,
this results in a corrupted file when uncompressed by zlib/pigz. Most of
the time the "ZLIB/PIGZ ERROR" above is related to this, so the script
re-checks them by uncompressing them using BackupPC_zcat. If the error
persists, then you will see an extra "CHECKSUM ERROR", which means the file
is actually corrupted.

Best regards,
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