Hi Roland,

many thanks for your help

"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:
>> 2. Once the BBDB buffer is shown, I would like that when I move to
>>    another message, the BBDB buffer is updated automatically: now I have
>>    to press ":" again to see the new sender, and if the sender is not in
>>    BBDB, it just shows the previous sender, where ideally an empty
>>    buffer would be better
> A continuously updated BBDB buffer is maintained via bbdb-mua-auto-update.
> See the section "Noninteractive functions" in README.

I have tried to follow the instructions there, but I don't seem to be
able to get it working

In my .emacs file I have:
| (require 'bbdb)
| (bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message)
| (bbdb-mua-auto-update-init)

and I have modified the variables mentioned in the README file

bbdb-mua-pop-up is:
| bbdb-mua-pop-up is a variable defined in ‘bbdb.el’.
| Its value is t

| bbdb-mua-auto-update-p is a variable defined in ‘bbdb.el’.
| Its value is ‘query’

but the BBDB buffer is still not updated when I move from one message to
another in Gnus.

>> 3. Pressing ":" again gets rid of the BBDB buffer
> Either you let BBDB handle these things interactively via commands
> like bbdb-mua-display-records bound to ":" (see above, your item 1.),
> or you do them non-interactively (your item 2.)
> Anything else "do what I mean" you might have to hack on your own.

I would be happy to do this interactively, but I don't see any command
to close the BBDB buffer? (Do I just have to define my own?)

>> 4. If the sender is not in the database press some key and offer the
>>    option to include it in the database.
> Interactive commands: bind bbdb-mua-update-interactive-p to your liking
> (see README).
> Noninteractively: see again the section "Noninteractive functions"
> in README.

OK, changing it to (query . query) now BBDB offers me to add a record to
the database.
| bbdb-mua-update-interactive-p is a variable defined in ‘bbdb.el’.
| Its value is (query . query)
| Original value was (search . query)

So, I'm very close to getting it to do what I would like, the only
important missing part is that I would like that once I have pressed ":"
and the BBDB buffer is visible, when I move to another mail message the
contents in the BBDB buffer are updated automatically.
Ángel de Vicente
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