
Am 31.10.22 um 01:18 schrieb Cor Nouws:

Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/10/2022 22:07:

7. Status Report, Discuss: Atticization of Online (tdf-board, 10 mins)

because there are four board members with a direct link to the product
Collabora Online (staff of Collabora Productivity or staff/owner of
Allotropia, which has a contract for the distribution of Collabora
Online), there are only three board members without CoI on this topic.

It is interesting that this topic pops up again...
and also very interesting that the reply is again a side track. Some
would also say trying to lay a smoke-screen
At the time of the decision I've already explained that this topic,
the process, is about sanity of the code available at TDF (see attic
policy *). It has nothing to do with presumed blocking of development
on LOOL:
no one is blocking anyone on developing anywhere.

It is not about code sanity, but about blocking the development of LOOL
under the TDF umbrella and within LibreOffice resources. And if you look
at the Collabora staff website
(https://www.collaboraoffice.com/about-us-2/) you'll find out, that the
sales team member of this ecosystem company, which sells the LibreOffice
Online fork 'Collabora Online, states here that he has no potential
personal interest in this topic.

This statement is a complete misunderstanding of the TDF policy and the
regulations for members of a board of a legal entity.

Andreas, Paolo (and others) showed great enthusiasm and confidence in
working on the code base of LOOL. With a little tweak on the proverb,
I would like to encourage people: "put your energy where the mouth is".

It's a shame that a member of the board of a Free Software entity refer
to develop OSS software on a proprietary resource and close the the
doors of the entity.

Then, some details really deserve attention on tdf-internal@, that is
open to all members. I'll continue there.

It would be great to continue on this list, because I think TDF has
nothing to hide on this topic, has it?


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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