Hi Marina,


Marina Latini wrote on 01/12/2022 10:12:

I'm still struggling to understand why there was the need to trash 9 months of work for presenting a new text that sounds more like just the "abstract" of the previous document with some changes that are even bringing more controversial problems on the table (like for example how many positions will be opened for hiring the in-house developers - one, two, many).

I read 'there will be two job postings'..
For the rest I've really done my best to explain my reasons to conclude that the old proposal was not fit for purpose.
Sorry if I failed to bring my rationale across in a understandable manner.

In parallel with this, I'm still not buying the explanation given to the exclusion of one elected board member from the work on this new "proposal". During the call you replied to me in a contradictory way, first saying that Paolo and Kendy have been excluded, than stating that the new "proposal" have been worked on when Kendy was already out of the board...that brings back again to "just Paolo being excluded".

All fine with that. Let's say that we struggle in the board to create a safe working environment. So far it has been harmful and not productive otherwise. By the enormous volume and negativity, actually excluding directors that have busy day job and need to be concentrated, have then the evenings left to dig through loads of... By taking part of the work in a separate environment, it is just more inclusive.



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