On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 06:23 am, Dan Minette wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Brin-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:23 AM Subject: Girls more confident of success

And girls have good reason to be more confident than boys, because academically, around the globe, they are more successful - which is likely to lead to higher-income jobs. "

But, has it? Looking at


we see that, back in '97, 53% of the 25-29 year olds with at least a BA/BS
were female. Those folks are now 31-35 years old. If the trend indicated
income, then women in that age group should, on the average, make more than

But, what do we find in the US? For 30-34 year olds (fairly close), the
mean income for men is 39,989, while for women it is 27,331. For 25-29
year olds the mean income for men is 33,405, while for women it is 24,760.
My source is


When I read what was not mentioned in the article, it was like the hounds
not barking....the shift from talking about actual results to expectations
was a clear signal of what really is happening.

Yes, but what were the *expectations* of that group?

There are quite a few things to be teased out here... what degrees are women getting compared to men? Not all degrees are created equal for job prospects as the punchline ('do you want fries with that') to the joke indicates. There are too many graduates for what used to be considered 'graduate level' jobs. Vocational degrees have better job prospects, but outside of teaching and health (medicine, pharmacy) men still probably outnumber women in most vocational classes (engineering, science, technology) I suspect.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it.
-- Donald E. Knuth


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