On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 03:21:04PM +0100, William T Goodall wrote:

> considered 'graduate level' jobs. Vocational degrees have better job
> prospects, but outside of teaching and health (medicine, pharmacy)
> men still probably outnumber women in most vocational classes
> (engineering, science, technology) I suspect.

Excellent point. I went to undergraduate and graduate school in the 90's
in Physics, Aeronautical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. In
virtually all of my non-introductory-level classes (i.e., those classes
taken primarily by the people majoring in the dept.), men outnumbered
women 10:1 or more.  Classmates told me that the only engineering
departments that weren't so skewed were BioMedEng, ChemEng and CompSci,
but even there they were skewed towards men, just not to such an

Many of the L.A.S. courses were skewed just the opposite. Engineers
joked that if you wanted to meet a girlfriend, take certain L.A.S.
courses. (Actually, they weren't really joking...a friend of mine took
some Education classes and met his future wife)

I wonder about MBA programs. Are those 50/50? They tend to make big

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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