"John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> At 10:56 PM 2/24/2004 -0500 David Hobby wrote:
> >
> >Are you talking about this part of the 14th Amendment?
> >
> >"nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,
> > without due process of law;"
> >
> >Exactly WHO is being deprived of anything by San Francisco performing
> >gay marriages?  I don't see how this applies.
> That is a pretty novel interpretation of "due process."    So, would you
> have no problem with Republican justices frustrating and delaying the
> lawsuit against Cheney's Energy Task Force on the basis of technecalities?

I don't think it is.  Of course I have a problem with judges acting in
a partisan manner to defend the Executive Branch.  The Judiciary is 
supposed to be independent.  But even if they are frustrating the
I doubt they are using the Due Process Clause to do it.  Which was my

> >I suspect that when technicalities help your side, you do in fact
> >cheer.
> Like when I said that I would not have signed the Bush v. Gore opinion had
> I been on the US Supreme Court?

Sorry, it was not meant as a personal attack.  

> >> If anyone is wondering why "conservatives" are now rallying behind an
> >> amendment to the federal constitution, it is because the courts can clearly
> >> not be relied upon to uphold the rule of law.
> >
> >Oh.  I thought it was to change the law, just in case it was decided
> >that the next clause:
> >
> >"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection
> > of the laws."
> >
> >meant that gays had a right to marry too.
> And indeed, every homosexual in the US has the right to marry someone of
> the opposite sex.

And rich and poor alike are forbidden to sleep under bridges.
So?  (Note that I did not claim that the Equal Protection Clause
supported gay marriage.  As I said in another post, the Constitution
is meant to be interpreted.)

> But seriously, what gives here?    Why is it that *I* have to constantly
> prove my "bona fide" intellectual credentials around here?   

I never said that, did I?
(What gave me more reason to doubt your intellectual credentials 
 was how you argued with me about terrorism a few months back.
 You kept using strawmen and ad hominem attacks.  Argue like an
 intellectual, and don't worry about proving your credentials...)


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