On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 16:48, Aaron Boodman <a...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Seems like a bad idea.
> Extensions and DOMUI are basically two competing systems for doing the
> same thing, it would get confusing combining them. I would rather
> either:
> a) add new (possibly experimental) APIs for the issues you've run into.
> b) manually plumb the extension APIs you need through DOMUI (this is
> basically composition instead of inheritance)

Seems like b then. However, the extensions APIs are much nicer than
all the ad-hoc chrome.send + CallJavascriptFunction we are currently
using and having the same API seems like a win for maintainability.

> Is this the complete list of bugs?
> http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list?can=2&q=feature:extensions+reporter:arv
> Context menu is potentially on the M5 list. Depending on how complex a
> context menu API you want, this might not be too bad. We should just
> implement the chrome:// urls one I guess.

If we make the bookmark manager completely as an extension extensions
need to be able to hook up global keyboard shortcuts (27702) as well
as some way to hook into the wrench and system menus on mac.

> - a
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Erik Arvidsson <a...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> I'm in the process of writing a bookmark manager in HTML. So far I've
>> written it as an extension but I'm now considering changing this to a
>> DOM UI page instead. [*]
>> I would like to be able to expose the extensions API for bookmarks to
>> the DOM UI (and eventually make all DOM UI pages use extension APIs).
>> Where do I start? Is this a bad idea?
>> Another option is to keep the bookmarks manager as a special extension
>> that is always turned on.
>> [*] Extensions do not have enough privileges and there aren't enough
>> hooks to allow extensions to do all the things the bookmark manager
>> needs to do. I've filed bugs for everything I've run into.
>> erik

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