On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 18:24, Aaron Boodman <a...@chromium.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Erik Kay <erik...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Aaron Boodman <a...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>> Seems like a bad idea.
>>> Extensions and DOMUI are basically two competing systems for doing the
>>> same thing, it would get confusing combining them.
>> While I can see this in principle, I'm not sure I see what the problems are
>> in practice.  What kinds of problems do you envision?
>> I think it would be nice for our current DOMUI pages to be built on top of
>> the extensions APIs, but potentially have access to a few special APIs that
>> extensions don't.  It seems like it would be painful to try to cut them over
>> to such a system all at once, so adding extensions APIs to DOMUI pages could
>> be a nice bridge.
> When you say "built on top of the extensions APIs" do you mean have
> access to, eg, chrome.tabs.*? Or do you mean use our
> ExtensionFunctionDispatcher and json schema infrastructure, but not
> use any of our APIs? I looked at the latter once before and it was a
> serious project. There is a lot of knowledge about the extension
> system baked into ExtensionFunctionDispatcher, such as who the current
> extension is and knowledge of the json schema system in the renderer.
> I think a simpler approach to get the benefits of the extension system
> is to just make the bookmark manager an extension. We'd have to filter
> it out of the chrome://extensions/ page and change its icon in the
> task manager, but those are fairly trivial changes compared to tearing
> all the knowledge of extensions out of ExtensionFunctionDispatcher
> system.
> If we want the bookmark manager to have some special APIs that other
> extensions don't, that also seems fairly easy to do once the bookmark
> manager is indeed an extension.
> To be clear, I'm also open to lower-level refactorings. I'm just
> warning that I suspect it's a serious project. A couple weeks at
> least.

The goal is to have a working bookmark manager at the end of January
and a complete one at the end of Q1. That makes me think that making a
DOM UI version that uses the extension API would not be feasible. I
also don't think that doing it as an extension is something that can
be done in the same time frame due to lacking APIs.

I think I'll just do an old school DOM UI and emulate the extensions
bookmark API so that the same code can be used.

> - a

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