
On 17.05.2017 09:48, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> I'd suggest to avoid that.

I'd love not having to reintroduce a second maildrop variant.

> I use subjunctive because I install Courier from
> tarballs rather than Debian packages, except for off-hand tests.  In the 
> latter
> case, I get confused by the bewildering amount of Courier packages available 
> in
> the Debian distro —there are 27 of them, correct?

Why does that confuse you? An MTA and an IMAP server are clearly
distinct things. Just install what you need.

I personally didn't ever think of installing "courier". I installed
their MTA, their IMAP or POP server. And - I have to admit - not ever
their Webmail. I didn't ever want nor need the entire bundle. But I
could (in theory), by simply installing all the parts.

> My suggestion is to avoid disassembling the Courier tarball.  That is, have
> maildrop included by default in courier-mta, and possibly merge it with
> courier-base as well (why were they split, BTW?)

Flexibility. And separation of concerns.

I like being able to install courier-imap, but not courier-pop, for
example. Or running just the courier-mta without either of the other
two. That's quite common for Debian, I'd say. Take the modules for
apache's httpd as another example of that practice. Or the fact that
Debian ships separate client and server packages for most databases.

Kind Regards

Markus Wanner

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