On 7/18/18 7:03 AM, Marc Dequènes (duck) wrote:
> It has been brought to my attention that this package, its name and the
> name of the binaries and further content was deemed offensive. This was
> already raised in the past (~2012 IIRC) but the package was reintroduced
> and has been in the archive since then.
> Since this is a childish naming which was not intended at being
> insulting, I gave a hand to package this useful tool. I would have
> preferred it renamed though.
> This thread is about giving your opinion and discussing with upstream
> about it, and us DD to decide the fate of this package. I hope this
> would help draft proper policy criteria about what we consider not
> acceptable.

Shouldn't liboobs be removed or renamed too, for the same reasons?

And those other packages too:



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