
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 05:40:46PM +1000, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
> Here is an example: I'm aware of legal human name that is offensive and 
> inappropriate in another language. Nobody in the right mind would use 
that might be possible, but it is not a appropriate comparison in this
-The developer of the program is aware of the meaning of the words, it
is not a random coincidence
-Changing a program's name is much more easy than to change a first name
of a person
-The package is not a person and cannot be offended

> Let's just leave the matter alone please. If contributors find it 
> sufficiently repulsive to maintain the package then you will be able to 
> remove (unmaintained) package soon enough. Otherwise we can say that 
> usefulness of the package outweighs its bad naming.
In fact its bad naming reduces its usefulness: Although there are some
useful programs contained, I know there are people which wouldn't
recommend it because of its naming (not only the package's name but
also because of the programs contained in the package). So if the
package stays in the archive, but would be renamed, its usefulness
would probably be increased.

> Another argument is that many things in older literature, fairy tales and 
> religious texts may be considered offensive these days. Yet banning those 
> things would be wrong and would cause far greater damage to freedoms.
It is not about an ancient work, those programs are fairly recent.

> If we were operating a restaurant, would you suggest to remove all non-
> vegetarian meals from the menu because some of our customers are vegetarians?
> Surely they may consider meat to be offensive but normally it is enough to be 
> respectful to people's rights not to use whatever they consider inappropriate 
> to them.
Probably not, but it would be bad, if we killed an animal for every
vegetarian entering the restaurant. As it is is bad to have every one
creating a Debian mirror distributing this insulting content, which
itself already creates an environment encouraging objectification of
people having boobs (note that one of the programs contained the term
"cook" and wasn't changed for an extra joke).

> I'd much rather not waste any time to facilitate or justify useless
> renaming like "fsckeditor" to "ckeditor", etc.
Did anybody ask you to do so? You didn't have to continue reading this
thread if it only wastes your time.

Kind regards,

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