18/01/2011 13:32, Sgrìobh F Wolff:
If it improved quickly, I guess it will get even better. Chrome has some
font issues; I'm guessing it will just disappear one of these days. The
releases of Pootle we make now, only affect people installing this in
future, targeting even later usage.

I just had a new idea: adding both.  This way people can make the choice
per application they are translating. It seems that only mobile
applications might need the wrong character.  What do you think about
that idea?
That get's messy I think. Let's go with the "wrong" character for now. I'll keep testing and when it's broadly ok, it'll be a simple case of replacing them all.

Perfect. I can upload it soon. Just say - do you feel it is ready for
general use for localisers? The "beta" warning is very bold here :-)

I hope to do an update of that soon, taking off the beta warning. Probably sensible to wait until then. Does that go into the system under a GNU license too or how does that work?

le meas,


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