
On 16/04/17 00:56, Marco Vermeulen wrote:
Hi Maven folks,

Some time ago I asked the Maven dev community whether they would be willing
to publish their releases on SDKMAN! [1] using our Vendor API [2].
Unfortunately, my request was met with scepticism and ultimately resulted
in no action taken.

What happended out of the idea to scan automatically[1] for new versions and insert the data automatically via a crawler which can for example scan maven central[2] where all releases of Maven will be distributed (also there is a REST API on Maven Central)...or the distirbution pages...

[1]: https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@maven.apache.org/msg108018.html
[2]: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.apache.maven%22%20AND%20a%3A%22apache-maven%22

I would like to appeal to the Maven dev community again to take on the
responsibility of managing their own releases on our platform.

Hm...maybe I misunderstand here a thing but which responsibily does the Maven dev community has on your platform ?

From my personell point view: none

> The process
is very simple: It involves making a few REST calls to our API and
instantaneously releases become available for all the SDKMAN! users out

This is the point which is the problem...or the "scepticism" you mentioned...

To be honest you seemed to be ignoring the suggestions for improvements on your platform which could make it easier to integrate parts on your platform...not only for us also for many other tools...which would improve the accepting for the support of your platform...

In earlier days you have declined[1] to support maven at all now you have changed your mind which of course is fine...

[3]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-5749

Many other teams are already doing this, including Gradle, Kotlin, Groovy,
Ceylon and Spring Boot to name a few. It would be great to have you guys on
board too.

I currently perform these releases for Maven manually, which unfortunately
is not something I can sustain going forward.

If the sdkman user community has already asked for support why don't you solve the problem ?

In three ways. Removing the manuall work for yourself, the acceptance of your platform to support more tools and finally fulfill the need of your user community...(Which I think is the most important part here).

In particular if it could be done by using a curl call on maven central or a little bit more if you like to scan the http://maven.apache.org/docs/history.html page (jsoup is very easy) from your site...

In a nutshell I would say why not implementing a scan service yourself which takes some time, but I got the impression that writing all these mails/tickets etc. and discussions takes more time than implementing such a service...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

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