Martin Sebor wrote:
On 05/30/2010 11:57 AM, "C. Bergström" wrote:

Is anyone interested or actively working on C++0x support? It's my
understanding it would be a huge effort, but that's coming from the
people working on libc++.

There is interest within the user community but I don't believe
anyone is actively working on C++ 0x at the moment. I have a few
patches in my local tree but nothing I could check in anytime
soon. As for the effort, back in 2008 we estimated full C++ 0x
support at 2,740 engineer hours. The big ones were:

  Regular expressions (STDCXX-33): 1,080 hours
  Containers (STDCXX-32):            400 hours
  C compatibility (STDCXX-34):       340 hours
  Numerical Facilities (STDCXX-31):  320 hours
  General Utilities (STDCXX-28):     160 hours
  Function Objects (STDCXX-29):      160 hours
  Rvalue References:                 160 hours

Also I had a build failure on FBSD-8.0 the other day, but didn't make a
note of it. I'll probably file a proper bug report later..

I'm interested to here if RogueWave's continued interest in the
project.. We potentially will be investing in it unless it's dead and
just purely maintenance mode..

Rogue Wave stopped putting resources into the project in the
summer of 2008. Which doesn't mean the project is dead -- just
on sabbatical :)

If someone is willing to put in development effort into stdcxx
I'm willing to help.
Thanks for the reply Martin...

Does that mean Rogue Wave stopped updating their internal copy as well or just not pushing changes? Can anyone comment on why we'd want to spend 2,740 man hours updating STDCXX vs contributing to libc++[1] ?

Assuming our tests continue to go well I think we'll probably submit bug fixes and any low hanging performance improvements.




ps. Martin please email me if you or anyone else is interested being sponsored to work on the project.

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