Stefan Teleman wrote:
2010/6/4 "C. Bergström" <>:

Hi Stefan,

Does that mean the suncc team will be helping to improve it?  If neither
please don't hijack threads.  I removed maybe too much context from the
email, but it was in reference to C++0x + OpenSolaris.

You should ask the compiler team directly what their plans are. I
cannot speak for them.

My email was in response to your statement about supporting C++0X in
OpenSolaris with the Sun C++ compiler (which you have restated in this
I never said Sun C++ compiler.. I in fact said PathScale.. (see below)
I wonder how you plan on supporting C++0X in OpenSolaris with the Sun
C++ compiler, when this compiler does not currently support *any*
C++0X features, and support for these features will not be available
for quite some time. And the compiler is not open source.

So no, I am not hijacking threads. I am seeking some clarification
with respect to your own statements.
So in case you haven't read the thread

1) PathScale has a port to OpenSolaris
2) We are going to switch to stdcxx
3) We are interested in working on C++0x in stdcxx on the platforms we support

I checked my email and I think you just assumed sun cc..


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