On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 11:39:08AM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 16:49, Andy Isaacson wrote:
> > A more useful solution would be to schedule an event a few dozen
> > milliseconds (say, 20 or 100 ms) in the future, which upon arrival would
> > check that the window has been refreshed and, if not, write it with the
> > background color, on the assumption that if the app hasn't refreshed
> > yet, it's not going to anytime soon.
> > 
> > Ideally this event would only be handled when the X server is otherwise
> > idle.
> All this effort for a band aid? A different basic approach like in
> XDarwin or XDirectFB makes more sense to me.

I'm not familiar with how those two X servers operate, so could you help
me out by explaining?  How do they handle window obscures?  How is it
different from X11's BackingStore?

Note that BS is turned off by default precisely because it's frequently
a pessimisation -- too often the BS pixmap is too old, and the X server
writes it to the framebuffer only to have it overwritten by the app as
soon as it's scheduled.  Why are XDarwin and XDirectFB's approaches

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