Quoting Alex Deucher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Does using the TMU for blitting work in conjunction with OpenGL?  in
> the xfree86 mga driver, there is an option (textured video) to use the
> TMU as a YUV Xvideo interface, however, enabling that disabled the DRI.
>  I had thought about adding a textured video option to the radeon
> driver (using the TMU as a Xvideo interface), but I wasn't sure it
> would co-exist happily with the DRI.  what would the issues be?

It works, on the screenshots you can see hardware blended windows with
hardware rendered GL content interacting smoothly.

I'm not sure about the XFree problem, either there's no locking
or the state is not restored properly.

Best regards,
  Denis Oliver Kropp

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| http://www.directfb.org/                 |

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