Hey Everyone,
    I've put a new release up here:
https://ademan-laptop.github.io/freenet-website-redesign-pelican/ Some
resource images are broken due to the /freenet-website-redesign-pelican/
prefix, and I'm not certain there's a good way to fix this. (Relative paths
break with our i18n_subsites usage). Please ignore that for the moment.

Please take a look at the language menu's style, I extrapolated from the
design we bought, but I am not really a designer. I think I'll change its
functionality so that changing language keeps you on the same page. The
language menu picks up any messages.mo files (generated from .po files) and
gives them a language entry.

I appreciate any and all constructive feedback.


On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 1:54 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de>

> Dan Roberts <ademan...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Hey Everyone,
> >     I'll be posting the website for feedback tomorrow.
> Great!
> > I seem to constantly
> > find new things to fix, but I could probably nit-pick forever,
> That’s common problem ☺
> > I'd like to also create and/or link to a google plus freenet page. I
> found
> > this: https://plus.google.com/communities/107006765679470608749 I think
> > it's worth having something.
> There’s also the Deep Web community:
> https://plus.google.com/communities/104253064892524682250
> > I'll be removing the pinterest and instagram social media links unless
> > somebody thinks we should have a presence there too.
> There’s a difference between thinking we should be there and having
> someone who does it: If we had someone who maintains them, I’d say we
> should be there. According to teachers, instagram is where the cool
> people are are nowadays. If not, not. I think this goes for every social
> network.
> > The difference from twitter, google+ and facebook are that we
> > incidentally generate content to put on those sites (news items can be
> > copied and pasted and/or linked to), the more image-oriented social
> > media would take extra effort (that I don't believe would be worth
> > while).
> Sounds reasonable.
> Best wishes,
> Arne
> --
> Unpolitisch sein
> heißt politisch sein
> ohne es zu merken
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