On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Gianni Johansson wrote:

> It's good to make the distinction because if you manage to get all the data 
> blocks you don't need to decode at all.

bob the angry flower says "wrong,m wrong, wrong ,wrong, where did you
learn that??! wrong!!!" :-p.  Seriously, this is a very bad thing to be
encouraging, for two reasons:

a) the checkblocks will fall oiff freenet - you should never be retrieving
this data significantly!  (i wrote about that in the documentation i
wrote, I won't reepat that here)

> Client writers just don't want to deal with it.  FEC support has been in CVS 
> for almost a year and you are the first person who has attempted to write a 
> client besides me.

I think that's got more to do with the fact that there was no
documentation, and hence it took me a solid week to work everything out to
the point where it worked where I tested it (and yes, before anyone asks,
I did try just asking GJ first.  4 times (this was back last march.  I
also asked about the fproxy changes, to the same lack of result).  it
seems that any email I send to GJ gets redirected to /dev/null :().  And
then I *still* got it wrong and didn't know until fproxy was patched,
which I found out about when people started bitching about my tools
breaking freenet.

Hell, I had to write *documentation* to get your attention :-p.  Talk
about sinking to a new low :-p.

> > Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from
> these > problems as much as onion's library, however?  The glass is
> half full man.  The math works for files out to about 1G no problem
> even with segmentation for the current implementation.
> The OnionNetworks code works well for moderately sized files now!
> We should make it easily available.

I agree with this... i wasn't trying to suggest otherwise, it was just
random musings. I get emails asking me why it's still hard to insert iso's
into freenet :-p (hey, did you know that onionnetwork's c library will
bluescreen a winxp box when you feed it an iso? :-p)

> Segmenting reduces redundancy not striping.  (see above)

okay, i got the two confused ^_^

        - from fish with love.

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