Gianni Johansson <giannijohansson at> writes:

> C. Within a segment all data blocks must be the same size and all
> check blocks must be the same size.  The check block and data block
> sizes are not required to be the same however.  Smaller trailing
> blocks must be zero padded to the required length.

Ugh, do we need this bloat on the wire? An exception for the last
data block would be preferable.

> 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily the
> same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across segments.

I'd still like to know the data and check block sizes for a segment
beforehand. Will I be able to deduce these?

> 1) Add an AlgoName field. This is the name for the decoder and encoder 
> implementation, that can be used to decode or re-encode the file. 
> This replaces and decoder.encoder in the previous
> implementation.

The Metadata spec should probably list the known values for this
field, and give links to further documentation. A genuine registry for
these may be needed, but I doubt that there will be more than 3
algorithms used in general ...

> * SplitFile.Graph is currently not being used and is not implemented.

Delivering the blueprint for reassembly with every splitfile has it's
appeal, but is probably more redundancy than it's worth.

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