On 13 Sep 2002, Edgar Friendly wrote:

> > The Metadata spec should probably list the known values for this
> > field, and give links to further documentation. A genuine registry for
> > these may be needed, but I doubt that there will be more than 3
> > algorithms used in general ...
> > 
> I think that having multiple algorithms is going to result in either
> noone using FEC or clients implementing their own FEC that's only
> compatible with other copies of that same client.  Trying to
> standardize on OnionNetworks' code is going to result in orphaning
> platforms that code doesn't run on.  (I know there's a java version of
> their code; I also know that there's a lot of platforms java doesn't
> run on)

Not to be blunt, but last I checked, and correct me if I'm wrong, freenet
is written in java, and therefore platforms on which you cannot either
compile java source, or execute java bytecode, are already orphaned.

What's more, if your platform can't compile ansi C, of which there is a
version of the library available, you're pretty fucked anyhow, and FEC is
the least of your problems.

> > > * SplitFile.Graph is currently not being used and is not implemented.
> > 
> > Delivering the blueprint for reassembly with every splitfile has it's
> > appeal, but is probably more redundancy than it's worth.
> > 
> actually, it's worth quite a lot in terms of future growth; as better
> methods of deciding how to XOR data blocks together to produce check
> blocks are discovered, they can be used without requiring all client
> authors to rewrite their code.
> the methods that are being developed that don't use Graph have the
> disadvantages of 
> 1) not being extensible to future advances in FEC technology
> 2) not being able to correct anywhere near as many error patterns.

You assume there is only one way to do FEC, and that the only change will
be in the matricies used.  I believe that you are very, very wrong.  I
honestly don't believe that splitfile.graph will help us a lot, unless it
happens to include java bytecode for reassembly, which you're objected to
relying on anyhow :-p

        - from fish with love.

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