Edgar Friendly <thelema at cs-mercury.truman.edu> writes:

> Having check blocks smaller than data blocks means that to correct one
> missing key, you're going to have to retrieve more than one check
> block.  And if the check blocks are bigger...  well, I guess you lose
> most of the advantages of splitfiles; might as well just make all the
> blocks bigger.

I'd really like to see a FEC algorithm that uses differently-sized
checkblocks, and the benefits that this algorithm actually buys us.
Until then I'm going to believe that this is just an

> The next best solution (that still allows variable block sizes) is
> to have an optional field that gives the size of blocks when they're
> the same size, and to just have clients "deal with it" when it's not
> known.

Sounds good. Please don't deprecate BlockSize, just make it optional
(IIRC it already is at the moment). Users of Vandermonde/OnionNetworks
FEC should always insert with this field.

> I think that having multiple algorithms is going to result in either
> noone using FEC or clients implementing their own FEC that's only
> compatible with other copies of that same client.

I don't think so. If the codec is available in source in an accessible
language (C preferred), under a liberal license, it will be
incorporated into all maintained clients.

> actually, it's worth quite a lot in terms of future growth; as better
> methods of deciding how to XOR data blocks together to produce check
> blocks are discovered, they can be used without requiring all client
> authors to rewrite their code.

That's true. But I'm not envisioning changes in FEC technology as
frequent as you seem to.

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