I think that the Red Cross and other organizations have been unwilling
to accept anything but financial contributions - I went through this
with the ARC project - and I am somewhat disillusioned with this
disconnect which seems like hubris from the cheap seats. The Red Cross
does have a lot of experience, but... why can't people do things other
than what their archaic system allows? Why can't you, or me, or anyone
on this list simply say, "Wouldn't it be cool if..." to someone at the
Red Cross?

These disconnects - that you and Andy have shown - is somewhat
disturbing. At what point will these agencies ask for help? Which
disaster? We have people offering up housing, and as you point out - we
wonder if the right people can get that information. The database of
missing and so on is also gone.

Meanwhile, the reporter on CNN just handed some Senator Mary Landrieu an
angry statement talking about the dead bodies on the streets (a corpse
being eaten by rats) and questioning the values of politicians thanking
each other. I like this guy.

This is 3 days into it. 3 Days. The politicians dance with words. The
Red Cross asks me for donations, but they don't seem to know how much of
what they need. The living victims dance with the corpses.

How do people affect change if they cannot communicate with the people
who can institute the change? Who are the people who can institute the

""It's amazing how difficult it is to find someone to pass it along to,
and say, look this is what we're trying to do and everything like that,"
says Mr Rampersad. "So the big problem right now is the same problem
we're trying to solve - human communication."" --

Lars Hasselblad Torres wrote:

>Hi Andy and everyone -- I am trusting out compatriots on this list who are
>from Katrina affected areas are with friends and family, safe.
>Like others, i'm blown away by how many people across the US have signed up
>on the MoveOn.org site to offer up housing.
>My question is, how can this databased information be connected to
>text-to-speech software and made available on an 800-number?  I ask because
>I am wondering who is going to see the website?
>Conversely, are there efforts to connect this information to Salvation Army,
>Red Cross etc housing efforts for the displaced?
>Wishing all the best in these difficult times for many,

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana


"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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