OK, thanks Andy. If SMS isn't working, I suppose helicopters with
bullhorns will have to work. What's strange here is that modern military
helicopters should be TCP/IP enabled, and be able to propagate a
wireless network.

Andy Carvin wrote:

> Actually, communications are a huge issue. Reporters have interviewed
> police officers who are at their wit's end. Almost none of them have
> satellite phones, and the local mobile phone networks have failed.
> Some SMS is getting through, but it's sporadic.
> I talked with Larry Anderson yesterday, who's in Mississippi, a way's
> north of where the damage is. He's been using his ham radio to connect
> with people in the coastal towns. He described the communications as
> "real grim." Once again, ham radio seems to be the one technology
> that's reliable...
> andy

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana


"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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