Dan Bassill wrote:

>I think Social Edge is one place to meet with a few donors, but I also think
>we need to think in much broader terms.  Every day we are bombarded with
>media messages educating us on some new drug, some phone company or
>financial service, or some food product or new car model.
>This works. Advertising changes habits and purchasing decisions.
Should it?

I raise this question because there is a lean toward education as well -
especially in the context of the digital bridges we're interested in
building. Believe me, I think everyone should have a pet rock should
they choose to have one - but one of the points on the list is that a
lot of advertising creates it's own demand, and that demand can be
counterproductive. How? I can only imagine how a doctor feels when a
hypochondriac comes in with a shopping list provided by pharmaceutical
marketing on TV. Sad? Have a pill. Happy? Have a pill. Listless? Have a
pill. Too many pills? Have a pill.

Need a computer? Here's one you can pay for (at about 150% of the actual
value) with payments! Need to learn how to make web pages? Buy this book
(but don't read it)! Don't have time? Buy minutes... And I won't even
touch the SPAM issue on the internet, which exists because people don't
want to do the sensible thing - prosecute the offenders who profit from it.

I go on. But the point is that a lot of the technology we're discussing
should be encouraged by critical things - not by things that
artificially creating a need and building unrealistic explanations -
which is the point that Alfred Bork seems to consistently make as well,
though much more conservatively than I agree with.

We can fight fire with fire, but we don't have the marketing departments
that large corporations have or the financial resources. Maybe the
digital bridge is a rope bridge.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad


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