>Every day we are bombarded with media messages educating us on some new drug, 
>some phone company or financial service, or some food product or new car 
>model.  This works. Advertising changes habits and purchasing decisions. 

- Dan Basill


We focus here on the Digital Divide but even that phrase covers a multitude of 
technical, financial, sociological, educational, cultural, and other 
challenges.  In the battle of ideas, getting your message out in a manner which 
resonates with the target audience is crucial.  When you are speaking of 
philanthropy, you are working at getting the attention of an individual or a 
small group (foundations etc.) who have resources and the inclination to share 
them.  You must convince them to believe enough in what YOU are doing to 
support your effort.  At the same time you are competing with a veritable 
cacaphony  of other folks who are in need which means you must use whatever 
communications tools necessary to make that happen.  


If you have a good idea, cause, or solution to some socio-economic or health 
problem, it is up to YOU to state your case in a manner that convinces those 
you approach.  Ms. Cravens spoke of having to create cost/benefit analyses for 
this or that software/hardware "solution" because someone was dazzled by a 
sales presentation.  That's because companies expend huge amounts of time and 
money to make certain their sales force has the resources to close the deal.  
The not-for-profit world has to be just as well prepared to make their pitch 
because ultimately it is always comes down to SOMEONE making a decision and you 
better make sure you have made a compelling case that you are deserving of 
their generosity.


I just LOVE the brain power of this group!!!!  Thank you especially to Dan B, 
Dr. Bork, Taran R, Steve E., Phil S., Bonnie B., the amazing Andy Carvin and 
everyone else I read but have not time to respond to.  Keep fighting the good 


Paul Mondesire







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