you forgot the "Busy Channel Detection" stuff.
You should know that is the " fix all "  for all QRM.

John, W0JAB
in the center of fly over country

At 09:09 PM 10/2/2007, you wrote:

>Allrighty, then! (climbing up on soapbox)
>I guess I am getting a little tired of these arguments about operating 
>correctly. We all know the rules and most
>of us try to follow them. Sure, we screw up once in a while but so what? We 
>learn for the next time.
>What bothers me more is that the folks who make the most noise and offer the 
>most criticism of the modes
>Are not those who are using them. As an example, Dave, AA6YQ, has written 
>numerous emails on digital radio
>Subjects, and yet I, for one have yet to work him in any digital mode, and I 
>have been very active for the past
>number of years. I have meticulously checked all my logs, and surprise! No 
>Everyone else is there, in fact many times over: Roger, Bonnie, Andy, Rick 
>,Jose, Txema and the list goes on,
>With many that I have missed mentioning who are active in this group. Just 
>guessing, I would think that most folks have not come across Dave in their 
>Now that is not saying that Dave doesnt have valid arguments- some of them 
>are. I respectfully suggest, though
>That you get on these modes, get active and walk a mile in our moccasinsto 
>fully understand the nature of these modes.
>Ok Dave Ill lend you the soapbox

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