He is right. Any pactor will know if another pactor station is on frequency.

But in fact I have 2, count em one, two  - SCS TNC's.

John, W0JAB
in the center of fly over country

At 09:58 PM 10/14/2007, you wrote:
>You've taken this out of context, John.
>Jose pointed out that a Winlink PMBO will not transmit there's a 
>Pactor signal on frequency, implying that we should protect ourselves 
>from PMBO QRM by purchasing a Pactor modem that we'd quickly fire up 
>whenever we were QRM'd. Alternatively, we could all stop using PSK, 
>RTTY, Olivia, Domino etc. and do all of our digital mode QSOing in 
>Pactor; then Winlink PMBOs would detect and respect our presence.
>You already have a modem, so there'd be no financial burden for you. 
>But for most digital mode users, have to buy a modem to avoid being 
>QRM'd would be outrageous.
>    73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ

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