>>>AA6YQ comments below


From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jose A. Amador


Rating automatic operations as extremely unpopular with most is 
exagerated. It seems to just reflect a extreme point of view of a group 
of hams with a certain point of view. Stating that it is probably 
illegal still is a biased statement, as it may be still be legal as 
well, until PROVEN the contrary.


>>>You have this backwards, Jose. Unattended station automation software
should only be permitted after demonstrating that it complies will all
relevant regulations. In the US, that includes 97.101(d), which states that
a station cannot willfully interfere with existing signals. You have
acknowledged the existence of the hidden transmitter effect. You therefore
know that a remote initiator cannot reliably prevent an unattended station
from transmitting over an existing signal. As a result, the unattended
station will on occasion willfully interfere with existing signals - in
violation of 97.101(d).


>>>If you see a flaw in the above logic, please point it out.

Lack of listening before transmitting is not a bad feature of automatic 
stations only. It also happens with humans stepping on your QSO.


>>>There is a significant difference. When a human steps on your QSO, you
can say or send "QRL, please QSY". When an automatic station steps on your
QSO, there is nothing you can do to convince the automatic station to QSY or




          Dave, AA6YQ

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