I agree that the best information will come from an interview of some
users.  To help you identify trends and potentially specific groups
of people to interview you should consider creating a timeline of
specific events a user might encounter.  For example registration,
first post, number of friends, number of replies etc.  Trend this
timeline along with drop off data.  You should be able to see around
what events a user is more or less engaged.  For example, are they
more or less likley to drop off depending on the number of friends or
length of time from registration to a specific amount of contributions
etc.  There will be a lot you will learn from your users with this
information and you could also use to to determine different groups
of people to talk to.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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