And that is then when you have no risk, the guy who borrowed carries the
complete risk of failure and still would have to pay you anyway. And that
is unfair.

While you should get something for investing in him, the amount he owes
you should be fixed there and then. Indeed, if you invest a gold piece
into his life against a dime a month, you would be owed a dime a month for
as long as the venture exists - but would never get the coin back - AND
can't take anything else off him.

In order to avoid all those hassles, you might just want to invest into
the local property union or finance bank, participate in the profits and
your friend gets his investment from them.

Given that he already has a house, he might actually sell the house for a
gold coin and contract to buy it back for a coin and pay a dime rent for
the month. That is actually in simplified terms how it is really being
done. This is why you will find in most Islamic countries that title deeds
in a property purchase are changed very late. After up to three months the
application for a change is submitted - or a temporary change in ownership
is entered. A mortgage if you will.

Now, the reason for the exercise is actually two-fold. It should be hard
for people to obtain funding in which they themselves carry the risk and
it should be even harder to disown anyone. The ancient precedessor of the
cooling off period of an agreement, so to say.

The system is meant to discourage accepting third party funds for
whimsical purposes, while still facilitating trade and profiting from
commercial activities. It is meant to make the idea of being debt
unthinkable. If that would mean that there are less McDonald's outlets and
less people buying tanks, SUVs, airplane tickets, etc. then so be it.

After all, this would only be for a brief while. Once the initial shock
has passed people will realize that due to not paying off this and that
they suddenly have more cash left every month.
Consider this: The US populace pays $62 billion of interest on credit card
debts per year! This is interest only, does not include compounding
interest, nor indeed does it include installments. About half of the
credit card debts are for consumables (restaurants, holidays, groceries,
etc.) So, no lasting value has been created or changed ownership.
What is worse, is that through compounding interest and high fees the
original price of the combined items three years ago would have been less
than half of what is being paid in interest now.

Imagine, if people were not able to use credit for consumables. Imagine
that cards would have to be balanced by the end of each month. Even
better, imagine all cards became debits cards and people would spend money
they have. That's an additional $62,000,000,000 in availavle cash to the
US economy every year.
So, while at one time there would have been less money spent (less card
purchases), there would be overall much more liquidity.

The problem is, everybody gets easy credit because banks want to profit at
any expense. People who could never qualify for a mortgage or a loan to
start a business are carrying 5 credit cards...


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