On 08/12/2012 03:27 PM, Erik Basilier wrote:

> 3.  How many operators can truly say that they make use of iambic features?

I do too. I went from straight key to Iambic back in the 70s, or so. I
used a HB copy of the Heathkit HD-1410 Iambic keyer and a HB Iambic Key.

I decided that I would not chase the various rig internal keyers and
standardize on a keyer and key. Mine are Idiom Press K3 and CMOS-4 (VĂ˜
Logikey K1, K3 timing w/dot and dash memory) and Vibroplex Iambic key.

My suggestion is to find what you like in an external keyer and use it
for home use. And make compromises when going portable or ultra
portable. I do use the internal K2 keyer (B), sometimes, when going

It may be much to ask a rig manufacture to implement the "feel" of every
keyer and key permutation implemented through the years.

I bring my key and keyer to Field Day. If it was more then once a year,
I would make a key/keyer go-box!

John KN5L

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