Maarten (and all),

There are two separate noise sources to be considered here, and it is 
important to separate them.  One is the internal receiver noise, and the 
second is demodulated noise that comes into the receiver via the antenna 

For anyone who suspects that the K3 itself is noisy (because of internal 
noise), I encourage those owners to do an MDS measurement.  If the 
internal noise is excessive, the MDS will be greatly reduced - MDS is 
the minimum signal level that can be detected above the receiver noise 
floor.  The Elecraft XG1 or XG2 is an inexpensive signal generator that 
will do the task - and the instructions for measuring MDS are in the 
manual.  If your K3 is not 'up to par', then that problem can be fixed.

OTOH, if the noise is coming into the receiver on the antenna port, 
there is not much that can be done to eliminate it - it is just like any 
other "signal" coming in from the antenna.
The K3 does offer tools such as the attenuator and AGC adjustments that 
can better handle than noise.  Unfortunately, there is not a "one size 
fits all" solution because each source of noise is different in its 
character and amplitude.

I cannot comment intelligently to those who are comparing the K3 audio 
noise output with that of another receiver because I do not have access 
to the receivers they are comparing.  I can only guess that the 
difference may be due to differences in receiver gain, AGC action, 
bandpass width, or the shaping of the audio spectrum.  Without doing 
actual measurements, these variables cannot be quantified.


Maarten van Rossum wrote:
> I hope that with the help of this topic on the reflector, I too am able to
> set my K3 correctly for my circumstances so I too can enjoy noise free
> reception.
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