Joe <> wrote:

> [07/04/10] At  1:51AM PDT, Ludo Beckers wrote: 
> > as a regular Linux-user (non-developer) what are the benefits of using
> > elinks, other than that it is nice for older machines to have fast
> > webbrowsing?
> No need to install an ad blocking extension ;)
> For me, the ability to dump a page to (usually)
> nicely-formatted plaint text is one of the main reasons I use
> elinks.  <ESC> F v within elinks, or by using -dump, reduces a
> cluttered website to bytes.

no flash, images, poorly thought out colour codes to get in the way of
content. If content is restricted based on ip, ie for downloading
academic papers you can still access them via ssh. Sessions can be
regularly saved automatically to maintain those always used and last
open pages.  It doesn't crash as often as graphical browsers, doesn't
take an age to load/move tabs compared to graphical browsers if the
computer in under load. You can browse if you have hosed your X and
need to find out how to fix it. You join the ranks of super-geek :P

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