On 26 April 2013 16:42,  <kqt4a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You have saved me a lot of money, headaches and possible alcoholism
> I need to rethink my hobbies to fit my space, maybe a nice quilting frame

The thing is, that a lot of these machines look the same, but are
built to different standards.
The forerunner of most of the cheap lathes was the Emco Compact 10:
My cheap Indian knock-off of the cheap Chinese knock-offs of the
original German design is not very nice at all, but it could have been
OK if it had been built by someone who had ever seen a lathe before.

I think that there are some people on this list who have links with
Smithy and are keeping quiet to retain impartiality.

The trick is probably to make sure you have a look at the machine in
the metal, and twiddle the knobs, before comitting.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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