On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 14:48 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 26 April 2013 14:44:38 andy pugh did opine:
> > On 26 April 2013 16:42,  <kqt4a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > You have saved me a lot of money, headaches and possible alcoholism
> > > I need to rethink my hobbies to fit my space, maybe a nice quilting
> > > frame
> > 
> > The thing is, that a lot of these machines look the same, but are
> > built to different standards.
> > The forerunner of most of the cheap lathes was the Emco Compact 10:
> > http://www.lathes.co.uk/emco/page7.html
> > My cheap Indian knock-off of the cheap Chinese knock-offs of the
> > original German design is not very nice at all, but it could have been
> > OK if it had been built by someone who had ever seen a lathe before.
> > 
> > I think that there are some people on this list who have links with
> > Smithy and are keeping quiet to retain impartiality.
> > 
> > The trick is probably to make sure you have a look at the machine in
> > the metal, and twiddle the knobs, before comitting.
> Which explains why I have not yet purchased the GO704 from Grizzly, I have 
> yet to stop by the showroom in Muncy PA and found one actually on display.  
> The dog & pony show says we can't keep one long enough to set up up out 
> here.  Something tells me there is a reason they won't let us spin the 
> wheels.
> That thing is a BF20 or a BF30? I'm confused.
> Cheers, Gene

Hi all, 
My first machine was a Griz. I sold it to my BIL and went to an auction
and bought a real mill. He got for about what I paid for it but it came
with lots of tooling I'd acquired. OTOH, my cinci cost less than the
Griz and there is simply no comparison in quality. 
The cinci came with ballscrews and X and Y servo motors. Just add $$$
for a control plus emc (that in itself dates it) and Voila!


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