On Oct 19, 2007, at 8:43 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

Can't keep track of who's in and who's out here--that fascist
Archer must be practicing mind-control again.

This notion of Rick Archer as rules-wielding fascist is utterly
ridiculous. It was with great reluctance that he even put in place
FFL's posting limits, and in all the years, only one person has ever
been permanently banned from FFL. The Wed Night Yahoo Group is
supposed to be an extension of the group that meets in Tom T's
livingroom, and the biggest problem is that laissez-faire Rick doesn't
run the Yahoo Group like Tom runs his livingroom.

I was *joking,* for crying out loud--do I really have to put those silly little smiley faces every time I want to make a funny?

While I am glad for the posting limits, I think this latest rule, essentially requiring people to play nice with each other, is dumb and demeaning to everyone. It basically reduces Rick to the position of having to beseech people to mind their manners, and reduces everyone else to either whiners or flamers Or, in some cases, both. I hope it soon goes the way of teflon.


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