Nice idea, but for a start I doubt you've got enough to make a difference to 
Europe and Ukraine as well as yourselves. And besides, all gas and oil has to 
be sold on an open market, over here anyway. Russia could go to the UN and 
complain about protectionism. None of it is worth fighting a war over, Russia 
has enough other countries they sell to in it's trading bloc, they'd weather 
whatever we did.  

 We'd better just hope all he wants is Crimea to protect the 60% Russians 
there. The UK will do nothing but bluster a bit to protect the gas supply we 
get from Putin. Ukraine will do what he wants or he'll switch the gas off like 
he did to Belarus a few years ago. We should have built loads more windmills 
and tidal generators when we had the chance!

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

 On 3/1/2014 12:12 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 I bet Putin plays a better game of poker than Obama >
 My bet would be on supplying an alternative source of fuel to Ukraine and 
Europe. Since they are way behind in the fracking technology, we could export 
oil and gas to Europe and the Ukraine and just bypass Russia. Without the 
revenue coming in from the sale of oil and gas Russia would be probably 
bankrupt within five years. All we have to do is put in a sanction on the oil 
and gas coming out of Russia and Putin would be on his knees begging for a 
bailout from the EU. It's all about fuel supply, placement and positioning.

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