On 3/1/2014 2:07 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> I doubt you've got enough to make a difference to Europe and Ukraine 
> as well as yourselves. 
We've got plenty of natural gas over here in the Eagle Ford Shale, 
Bakken Shale and in Canada. Europe could bypass Russia and shut them 
down in a matter of months. With no revenue coming in the Russians would 
be helpless - bankrupt.

> And besides, all gas and oil has to be sold on an open market, over 
> here anyway. Russia could go to the UN and complain about protectionism. 
There is already a series of complaints lodged with the EU - Russia has 
a monopoly on production, sales, and distribution which is not legal in 
the EU. So, there will probably be some big break ups in Russia.

> None of it is worth fighting a war over, Russia has enough other 
> countries they sell to in it's trading bloc, they'd weather whatever 
> we did.
According to what I've read, Moscow is first and foremost concerned 
about maintaining the revenue from energy exports. This will override 
any political manipulation.

"Russia is deeply concerned about vast shale gas discoveries in the 
United States and elsewhere in Europe -- natural gas that could 
eventually be exported with the help of LNG terminals to Central and 
Eastern Europe."


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