---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 5/5/2014 10:54 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 On 5/5/2014 11:48 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > Perhaps you ought to read up of glyphosates.
 It's just that most folks around here don't think it's important to take 
 up arms to oppose the use of Roundup in gardens. Go figure.

 We can hardly find Roundup any more in Victoria. It has been pretty much 
banned at the strength you used to be able to buy it. My husband, because he is 
a lawn fanatic, loves the stuff. I forbid him to use it and luckily he has a 
hard time getting his hands on it. But like any addict, he usually finds some 
source - in this case another woman who owns a sheep farm and can get the 
industrial strength stuff. 
 It's probably not going to kill you, Ann, unless you eat the grass or use your 
lawn as a table. Roundup works pretty good on sidewalks and driveways to kill 
unsightly weeds, but I wouldn't drink the stuff. The exhaust fumes from your 
car on the way to the feed store might be a greater hazard to your health.  
Funny you should say that. My animal's vet said to my husband once that after 
Roundup was used and dried or was absorbed by the plant it became pretty much 
non toxic to animals even if they were to eat that plant. I don't buy it but he 
must have been reading some Monsanto literature. Some people around here have 
cesspools in the ground because they don't have access to city waste facilities 
and they have wells to get drinking water. You put the cesspools and the water 
wells too close together and then spray Roundup all over, you're bound to get 
some bad effects!  Our land doesn't perk so we had to put in a water treatment 
plant up in the woods at the top of our property. These little "plants" usually 
cost in the range of $25K to install but it does ensure no leakage onto the 
property. The ironic thing is, every so often they still have to come and pump 
it out like a septic tank and then they promptly go and throw it into the 
Strait of Juan de Fuca off the end of the Peninsula here on Vancouver Island. 
This city still has no waste treatment plant other than the ocean. Nice, eh? 
The justification for this is that Victoria's population has poop that doesn't 
stink.  Some city people have to drink tap water from a recycling plant. Or, 
they buy Ozarka bottled water by the case. I wonder what happens to all those 
plastic bottles?  Somewhere I read that most bottled water is really tap water. 
Go figure. Idiots who feel like they might die of dehydration unless they're 
clutching a bottle of water all day is some strange behavioural abnormality 
that has arisen within the last 10 years. I refuse to drink that much water and 
certainly don't buy bottled water. Between holding on for dear life to their 
cell phones and balancing a bottle of water in the other hand no one can even 
scratch a mosquito bite without dropping one or the other.
 These days though, it's the monkeys flying out of my butt that I worry about. 
They are all going down the toilet along with the crap - I wonder what that 
does to the ground water used for drinking or growing food?  I have always 
wondered if those monkeys looked like the ones in the Wizard of Oz. Do they? 

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