From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular 
society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking 
ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.
When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in this 
forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"
"Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."
"Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one with 
it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"
And so the myths began.

Nice work if you can get it. I just wish I'd thought of it.
Friends tell me I should be a guru. I know so many people who sign up for every 
yoga/meditation/awakening course they see in town that there must be money in 
it. I'm pretty sure I know at least as much about asanas as the next guy and 
could spin a line similar to Maharshy's and maybe teach them to meditate a bit, 
they won't know whether I'm any good because I'd be about as good as anyone 
else they've seen.
Trouble is, I'd feel guilty. Unless I felt that I really had something to teach 
that was of value and led people somewhere amazing then I couldn't do it. But I 
was having dinner with some friends of friends the other day and this woman who 
had done a pranyama course, practically begged me to lecture on meditation and 
yoga because I seems to know so much about it! I mean, go figure! Maybe the 
teachings of the Reesh sunk in after all.
There's a real hunger for this stuff and I suppose it's never been different. 
People always want the easy escape from mundane reality into a better and more 
fulfilling world. I used to but then realised it wasn't an escape that could 
ever work. Maybe that's what I should teach.
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."

I figure that if I ever teach again, it will be in my writing, within the 
context of a book that starts with the words that every "spiritual" book, 
lecture, or teaching ever given *should* have started with:  "This is a work of 

  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known

---In, <seerdope@...> wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. Or 
am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.
I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really it's an imbalance in the way the brain normally 
constructs our perception of the world. Questions questions.

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        • Re... TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... salyavin808
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