Is awareness dependent upon a (human or otherwise)  nervous system?

C: I don't see any counterexamples for this but it might be unknowable.


 S: Because you take your own human awareness as the paradigm case and look for 
similar instances. Cats and dogs seem to have similarities in their behaviour 
to you (with apologies!) so you grant some awareness to them. The further down 
the evolutionary ladder you go the less human it is so the likelihood of your 
granting it awareness diminishes. When you hit rocks you say they are inorganic 
and insentient. 
 Where evolutionists see life and then consciousness arising at some point in 
time just indicates where they can start to recognize themselves in the mirror 
of nature. They aren't describing an objective fact but indicating their own 
(and my!) subjective limits. What kind of awareness could a rock have? It's 
beyond our comprehension but what we can know is that it isn't unhappy! To be 
miserable you have to compare your present state with an imagined alternative 
and rocks can't think (no language). Maybe our Sun is in a constant state of 
ecstasy as it dances across the sky.

 Did awareness exist before the the Big Bang / formation of the universe? 


 S: "To be is to be perceived" (Bishop Berkeley)

---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 I'll pick a few to mumble about. 

---In, <seerdope@...> wrote :

 Is awareness dependent upon a (human or otherwise)  nervous system?

C: I don't see any counterexamples for this but it might be unknowable.


 Is awareness the same for all who possess awareness?

C: You might have to qualify in what way you mean. Awareness is obviously 
different for different creatures on the planet who demonstrate qualities of 


 Do some have more awareness even if the awareness is the "same" for all?

C: I think this is one of the claims of Maharishi that is the most problematic 
for me. It lacks definitions that are meaningful for me these days. 


 Does awareness change? Evolve? Devolve? Fluctuate? 

C: I used to believe that my "awareness" was more variable than I do today. I 
think I can show up with the same "amount" of awareness in the way that has 
meaning for me these days. I can enhance what I am aware of with choice and 
direction of my attention. That occupies me more. 


 DIdi awareness exist before the mergence of homsapiens? (100,000 years or so 

C: I believe animals demonstrate plenty of awareness. Early man certainly had 
plenty. Even Neanderthal was putting flowers in graves. 


 If so, how far back?

 Do plants have awareness of the degree and magnitude (posited) that humans do?

C: I don't see any evidence for that. But their lives have qualities of life 
worth respecting even if we don't think of them as conscious like us.


 Do rocks?

C: That seems like a stretch. It might require mushrooms to see them that way.


 Could artificial intelligence "machines" ever become aware?

C:  They might, we need to keep an eye on that.


 Can awareness morph into other things?

C:  Lacks definitions I can follow.


 Did awareness exist before the earth was formed?


 Did awareness exist before the the Big Bang / formation of the universe? 


 Does gravitation affect awareness like it does space and light?

 Does awareness travel at some speed?
C: This all seems unknowable or too undefined for me.


 Is awareness interconnected between (allegedly) aware individuals?

C:  Interesting concept. I don't believe the jury is in on this. I am open to 
this possibility but I have not seen any convincing evidence yet. 


 If awareness once did not exist, what was the process of awareness coming into 

C:  The nervous system that could support it?


 Does awareness abide by the known laws of nature?

C:  So far it seems to. Kill a brain, awareness is nill.


 Does awareness have an end?

C:  It has for many people that I loved. 


 If awareness is suggested to exist forever / eternally, can you suggest a 
falsifiable experiment for this hypothesis? 

C:  It is unfalsifiable and unprovable which adds to its popularity for some. 


 If awareness has not and does not exist forever, why is is more substantial 
than any transient phenomenon?

C:  I have not found that to be the case. Take a little propophol before 
surgery and you our out out out. 


 Can awareness be aware of itself?
C:  This lacks definitions in what way if you mean it beyond the obvious. I am 
aware that I am aware.


 If so, then what are the "mechanics"? 

C:  It seems to have this inherent property. Some of it may be the way the 
different parts of our brain communicate to each other creating experiences. 


 Does awareness being aware of itself imply movement, fluctuation, energy 
transfers, change?

C:  Not to me.

Great thought exercise, how would you answer them?



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