Re "Yet, if awareness ceases in non-REM Sleep stages 3 and 4, we would not be 
aware of that gap": 

 As you always hear your alarm clock when it goes off in the morning you must 
have *some* awareness even in the deepest sleep.

 Re "How do I even know that my current awareness of awareness is real":

 Because to doubt its reality is itself an act of awareness. 



---In, <seerdope@...> wrote :


 "imo, with 100% certainty: awareness exists".


 Opinions are fun. But are not fact.

         have objective reality or being.
         to have being

         to continue to be


 Are we aware of awareness 24/7? 

 Some claim they are, but really, how would they know for sure. 

 Awareness during non-REM Sleep stages 1 and 2 is common and certainly feels 
like, and is, awareness during sleep. Yet, if awareness ceases in non-REM Sleep 
stages 3 and 4, we would not be aware of that gap -- yet awaken "feeling" like 
we were aware during (all of) sleep. 

 That is the problem with personal interpretation of experience. It is subject 
to large cognitive biases and misconstruction of frameworks and 
misinterpretation of content. 

 Are we aware when the body is dead? Perhaps someone can claim memory of that 
prior to birth. Hardly a proof, and again subject to above limits. But even for 
the sake of argument, accepting that, they cannot claim certainty of that after 
this body dies. 

 So if "awareness exists" does not mean exists forever, then I fail to see the 
importance of the point. 

 I assume, but do not really Know with 100% certainty, that the cup of coffee 
in front of me exists. But (it apears) that it did not exist 10 minutes ago, 
and will not exist 10 minutes from now. So even if it exists for the moment, is 
that a particularly vast and deep insight?


 And how do I even know that my current awareness of awareness is real and not 
some virtual world fantasy or some virtual fluctuation of nothing substantial.  

 How do I know my awareness has an objective reality? (And what is an objective 
reality if I am not even sure my awareness is real?) 

 How would I really know any of these things for sure, with certainty.



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