Is awareness dependent upon a (human or otherwise)  nervous system?

 Is awareness the same for all who possess awareness?

 Do some have more awareness even if the awareness is the "same" for all?

 Does awareness change? Evolve? Devolve? Fluctuate? 

 DIdi awareness exist before the mergence of homsapiens? (100,000 years or so 

 If so, how far back?


 Do plants have awareness of the degree and magnitude (posited) that humans do?

 Do rocks?

 Could artificial intelligence "machines" ever become aware?

 Can awareness morph into other things?

 Did awareness exist before the earth was formed?


 Did awareness exist before the the Big Bang / formation of the universe? 


 Does gravitation affect awareness like it does space and light?

 Does awareness travel at some speed?

 Is awareness interconnected between (allegedly) aware individuals?

 If awareness once did not exist, what was the process of awareness coming into 

 Does awareness abide by the known laws of nature?

 Does awareness have an end?


 If awareness is suggested to exist forever / eternally, can you suggest a 
falsifiable experiment for this hypothesis? 


 If awareness has not and does not exist forever, why is is more substantial 
than any transient phenomenon?

 Can awareness be aware of itself?

 If so, then what are the "mechanics"? 

 Does awareness being aware of itself imply movement, fluctuation, energy 
transfers, change?


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