Patrick Cahalan wrote:
 > Dissecting problems with theories is great, especially
 > in the security related fields.  I agree, more robust
 > argument is generally needed. Ridicule, however,
 > should be reserved for the ridiculous.

WPA shows that WEP did not receive enough ridicule.

I could provide a great many other examples of
dangerously inadequate ridicule, and a serious shortage
of contempt and derision, but they are off topic for
this list, even though some of them have killed a lot of

 >> With a bit more nastiness in the air, we might not
 >> have seen the Wifi debacle where the committee issued
 >> a broken spec, then fixed it with an equally broken
 >> spec, then abandoned compatibility to issue a spec
 >> which is *still* broken in that offline dictionary
 >> attack is possible and usually succeeds.

Patrick Cahalan wrote:
 > If we want to solve this problem, we need to make sure
 > committee composition reflects the desired outcome,
 > instead of sweeping externalities under the rug.  A
 > bit more nastiness probably wouldn't have done
 > anything to prevent the problems your alluding to
 > here; when a committee is made up of a majority of
 > agendas who don't care about security, you're going to
 > get insecure specifications.

Security was the committees job, and in the name of the
standard they issued.  They did care.  They just did not
know, and could not tell the difference between those
who did know, and those who were full of crap.

Further, there are an increasing number of similar
disasters, many of them lethal, in various areas that
are off topic for this list.
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