Lynne, I am so sorry you lost BooBoo.  My heart truly goes out to you
and Bob.  Most of us on this list are all too familiar with the
frustration and desperation you've felt these past weeks, when you try
everything, hope for anything, and end up losing them anyway.  My
experience with Patches was less than 2 months, over a year ago, but I
still sometimes mourn the time we didn't have together.  You guys need
have no regrets (except for that part) -- you did every single thing you
possibly could.  Gentlest of Bridge vibes to your brave boy.
I do believe that they come and visit us.  Sometimes late at night
you'll feel somebody jump up on the bed -- and the other cat(s) are
clearly not in the room.  Somebody (probably on this list) suggests
asking your departed pet to come and visit, and even, if you move, to
renew the invitation at the new place.  You will be happy again, when
you've had a little time and a chance to de-stress.  There may even be
another kitty in the future that you feel BooBoo has sent to you.  These
feelings that they're telling you something aren't stupid.  There is so
much out there that science has no explanation for.
Hugs to you and Bob.
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lynne
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 9:04 PM
Subject: BooBoo left us

We lost our precious baby tonight.  He developed difficulty breathing
and we rushed him to the emergency clinic.  He was dehydrated and had
just had his lungs aspirated Friday.  The vet recently experienced the
same situation with his Himilayan, co-incidentally, though I sometimes
think they make stuff up to identify with your pain.
I held his little face in my hand and petted him as did Bob and he
slipped away almost immediately.  I don't think I've cried this much in
my life, Bob too.  At this moment I can't imagine ever being happy
again.  Sounds stupid but BooBoo conveyed to me this evening it was time
to go and he thanked us.  He was so very weak he could hardly walk but
he was still purring as we pet him even with the damn catheter in.  We
know this was best for him but the worst for us.
Thank you all for being so very supportive.

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