Thanks, Tonya.  I have a lot of cats...have lost 4
this year.  It's never easy.  There are some though,
that you have a very special place in your heart for. 
Smokey was one of these.  A short time after Smokey
died, my husband's favorite friend, Moon died
unexpectedly from a pancreatic tumor.  These were 2 of
the guys that slept right next to us.  David said when
he crosses over, he wants to see his dad, and then
Moon and the other guys next!!!  This from a guy it
took me 20 yers to convert to CAT!!

Take care,

--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> DeDe,
>   I'm so sorry to read about Smokey.  :(
>   tonya
> I told you a bit about Smokey. The morning he died,
> he woke me up as usual nuzling my ear and purring. I
> will never forget that, ever. We too, had just had
> the aspiration done, but he wasn't eating and it was
> so hard for him to breathe at times. We went through
> the same thing at the vet. It seemed the more we did
> the aspirations, the quicker the fluid came back. 
> After he died, the vet looked into his chest. One
> lung was collapsed, and he was full of tumors. He
> had
> to have been unconfortable, and it was time.
> Cats are such noble and unselfish beings. You never
> really know how sick they are until they have no
> more
> to give. Console yourself with the fact that Boo was
> really happy until just before the end, and he knew
> true love and devotion from you both. Not many cats
> on this planet can claim that.
> God bless you both, and don't worry about BooBoo. He
> is fine, happy and healthy, and waiting for you.
> Dede
> --- Lynne wrote:
> > We lost our precious baby tonight. He developed
> > difficulty breathing and we rushed him to the
> > emergency clinic. He was dehydrated and had just
> > had his lungs aspirated Friday. The vet recently
> > experienced the same situation with his Himilayan,
> > co-incidentally, though I sometimes think they
> make
> > stuff up to identify with your pain.
> > 
> > I held his little face in my hand and petted him
> as
> > did Bob and he slipped away almost immediately. I
> > don't think I've cried this much in my life, Bob
> > too. At this moment I can't imagine ever being
> > happy again. Sounds stupid but BooBoo conveyed to
> > me this evening it was time to go and he thanked
> us.
> > He was so very weak he could hardly walk but he
> was
> > still purring as we pet him even with the damn
> > catheter in. We know this was best for him but the
> > worst for us.
> > 
> > Thank you all for being so very supportive.
> > 
> > Lynne
> > 
> "When you are in the service of your fellow beings,
> you are only in the service of your God"
> Mosiah 2:17
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                   Mosiah 2:17

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